

A wedding marks the start of a new chapter in your life, the start of a life shared together.


If you are considering a church wedding and have a connection with the parish then you are invited to come along to St. John’s to see what we have to offer you.


We want your wedding day to be special and meaningful for both of you. We also want you to feel comfortable and happy on your special day. If you feel that a truly Christian expression of marriage fits in with your views, hopes and dreams of what a wedding and marriage is then contact our Rector, Stephen Monk.




If you do not live in the parish but want to marry at St. John’s because it has special significance for you through family or other special connections, then you have to show just one of the following seven connections:

That one of you:


· Was baptised in the parish

· Was prepared for confirmation in the parish

· Has at any time lived in the parish for at least 6 months

· Has at any time regularly gone to normal church services in the parish church for at least 6 months


That one of your parents:


· At any time after you were born has lived in the parish for at least 6 months

· Has regularly attended normal church services for at least 6 months


That one of your parents or grandparents:


· Was married in the parish.



Please note: In all cases involving church services (normal church services, baptism, confirmation or marriage), this only applies to Church of England services.


Even if you cannot demonstrate any of the connections listed above we will help you to explore whether it may still be possible to marry at St. John’s. Just contact Reverend Stephen Monk for a chat.


Banns of Marriage

It is a legal requirement that Banns of Marriage be read out in the Parish Church where the bride to be lives and where the groom lives.


The Minister of each church will give notice during the Sunday service, for three weeks during the three months prior to the wedding, that you are to be married and will ask if anyone knows of any reason why you should not be allowed to do so. If you would like to be present when the Banns are read you will need to find out from the Minister when this will take place.


You will need to obtain a Banns Certificate from the Minister of each church to prove that they have been read. The Banns certificate from the church where the wedding is to take place is free but there will be a small charge for the certificate from the other church. This certificate must then be shown to the Minister who is to conduct the wedding as the ceremony cannot take place without it.


If you are unsure of anything you have read on these pages or you would like more information then please ask, we are here to help you. Contact details are given on the ‘Contact Us’ page on this web site.