St John’s Church




If you have an urgent safeguarding issue where someone is in immediate danger call 999.


If anyone has any current safeguarding concerns related to St John’s church, please contact the  benefice safe-guarding officer Freda Brill on 07935 370433 or the Rev Monk 01629 734257.


There is a diocesan safe-guarding team which can be contacted on

01332 388678 or  web link


Safeguarding Past Cases Review 2

The Church of England is carrying out a Past Cases Review 2 (PCR2). If there are any survivors of church related abuse who wish to make representation to the review in the Derby Diocese, they can contact the Safeguarding Team on 01332 388678 or if they prefer phone a national helpline run by

the NSPCC on 0800 80 20 20.  Or see the Church Of England safeguarding web page at