

 What is Baptism?

Baptism marks the start of a journey of faith which involves turning away from all that is evil, turning towards Christ and becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family.


Baptism at St. John’s

At St. John’s our view is that everyone has the right to ask for Baptism.

If you are considering having your child Baptised then have a chat with our Rector, Stephen Monk. You can get in touch by telephone or email, details can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page on this web site.

If you are an adult and wish to be Baptised, you will be asked to meet with the Rector three times, the first time to sort out times and other details, and then twice more to reflect on the faith journey you wish to begin.

Whatever your age, you are assured of a warm welcome from Stephen and the congregation at St. John’s.